Decluttering. It seems to be a new buzzword as our society recognizes the overabundance of stuff we have - some useful, most not. It's a recurring theme, at least in my life.
Our MOPS group talked about it at our meeting last night. It's always something to be working towards, isn't it? Ridding our life of that which we do not need, and in some cases don't even want, but we hold onto anyway - applicable to both physical and emotional junk.
A wonderful element of clutter with young children: toys. Toys overrun you when you have little ones. Balls, blocks, balloons (yes, balloons have been invading my space lately); drawing pads, paint, and giant coloring books; and stuffed animals.
Oh, the stuffed animals.
I tried to downsize these after our move. I just conveniently did not unpack them all. Then one day, our daughter got into the basement and found them.
*Outrageously loud gasp and huge eyes* "Mama! My a'mils! I yuv my a'mils! Yook, is Doggy!" *Gigantic squeeze for Doggy*
Break my heart, why don't you?
So back upstairs the "a'mils" came, taking over beds, chairs, bins, and storage containers. One day, I'll collect a few of the less-loved critters again and get them to Goodwill before they are rediscovered.
The highly cleanly mentor mom (who shall remain nameless) at my table, touted the "it's just for a season" advice. However, she then readily admitted to never accepting such a "season" herself, because it made her crazy. Still, I took this to heart.
My kids will not enjoy plastic kitchens, rings on a stand, and wooden train tracks forever. (Well, maybe the train tracks, I still think those are cool.) And when the appropriate time comes, I'll box up the memories of the Minnie Mouse kitchen that made me countless cups of tea, and the chewed on board books whose four lines I read over and over, and the giant pink unicorn that still flies our children all over the house thanks to daddy's strong arms.
For just a little while longer, I think I'll dwell on this season. This season of too many toys, thanks to a loving and generous family. This season of a puzzles empty shell, because my little guy still can't figure out the second part of the process. This season of unorganized bins, because at the end of the night I don't always have the energy to put toys away, let alone into an appropriate place.
I still need to declutter some things in my life, for my sanity and my soul. But while I do, I'll focus on disposing of that which is truly unneeded rather than rushing my children to age out an especially annoying toy, and teach them about giving to others as we pass it on for memories with new families.
There is always cleaning and decluttering to do in our home and in our heart. There will always be something to let go of that will leave you feeling lighter, freer. I hope you can think of something that you can let go of today that will leave you feeling that way. As for me...*cue trash bag fluffing*
Now, where are those a'mils...
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